Tuesday 27 April 2010

Oh the choices!!

I love tiffany's always have and always will. The excitement that I get from those little blue boxes is shocking really! I have some vouchers to spend, and I just can't choose. I have always wanted a charm bracelet, but I also love the keys!

Monday 26 April 2010

London Marathon

This might make you laugh, but one thing I have ALWAYS wanted to do is run the London Marathon..! Crazy I know, as I hate running with a passion, but I feel it will be a life changing moment where I can prove to myself that yes I can do anything that I put my mind to. After watching the marathon this weekend, it made me realise that I reallllly want to do it!

So I am going to enter, and hopefully get picked (its done by ballot), and hopefully a friend of mine, will also get chosen so we can cheer each other round.

The fact that I could raise a lot of money for cancer research would make me the happiest person ever. A few members of my family have benefitted from this charity, so I feel it would be right to put some money back into the charity! So fingers crossed I get chosen for 2011, if not 2012!!

Grey day

Seeing as the sun has decided to hide its face yet again, I have gone all grey! I am loving this grey nail varnish I bought! It matches my grey jeans!!

Friday 23 April 2010

Welcome to the 21st century

You might of noticed there is a new little button the side..... yes I have signed on to twitter!! It feels like a new world to me, but I am sure I will get used to it.  My twitter user name is www.twitter.com/pencilstitches if you want to search for me :)

I have also created a facebook fan page for this blog, to try and spread the word etc. Nothing like a bit of pressure for me to keep drawing and updating this blog :)  http://www.facebook.com/pages/pencil-stitches/117315438288151?ref=sgm

new illustration

This illustration is of a blogger which I have recently started reading. She comes from the same city as me,  and her blog is called EJ Style This girl has some style, and because of that I decided to quickly sketch her.

Outfit Post!

This is me with my new shorts on :) I love them!! Look really nice with my topshop brown leather belt!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Swimsuits and bikinis galore!

With summer just around the corner, and most weekends being spent at the beach I thought I would look for bikinis and swim suits. I have so many bikinis but I always think that a new one every year will update the wardrobe. So if your struggling to find a bikini on trend then look no further!

First one up is this bikini set from
Urban Outfitters and for only £26, you can not complain! I like how it has detachable straps. Perfect for sunbathing.

Or how about this set from Aubin and Wills for £70. If you have not heard of Aubin and Wills. It is the older brother of Jack Wills, and has some lovely key pieces.

If you have the cash to splash out, then the first stop must be La Perla. La Perla has got the Midas touch as whatever they touch turns in to gold! This shade of yellow will really show off that tan! Yes I know, its £375 but hey, if you have the money you might as well spend it ;)

Up next would be this swimsuit by Mouille Naomi
from asos, I really love the one sleeve ruffle in a gorgeous bright blue for £75.

I also love this seafolly number from asos for £73. I love the red polka dot, and the flattering ruffles on the neck.

Now the difficult part....which one to choose!!!

Monday 19 April 2010

Latest purchase...

Yes you heard right, I have a latest purchase. I don't do many of these as I am currently saving a with my fiance for house/wedding/everything else that always seems to crop up. So I treated myself to a new pair of shorts from Topshop. These will be one of my key pieces for summer. I have also got a few things listed on my ebay to try and bring in the pennies, and shamefully a lot of the items still have there tags on! Cringe I know!

Woke up early to do a quick illustration, should be able to finish it tonight as my friend can't meet tonight.

Wetsuit Illustrations

Here are the other illustrations for the magazine that did not get published. They wanted wetsuit illustrations to show next to the new season wetsuits guide.

Friday 16 April 2010

Outfit Post!

I was looking at old photos and found some with one of my favourite tops. This was one of my outfits from last summer in Ibiza. Can't wait for my holiday in June to Feurtreventura to be able to get my summer clothes out. Think I might go through my wardrobe and ebay some items as well to try and get a bit of extra cash to go towards some new clothes.

Thursday 15 April 2010


I got a nice treat through the post. Surf Girl's May issue, which features two of my illustrations. This is my first published illustration in a magazine so I am quite excited. I did 4 illustrations in total for them, and they ended up choosing two which only took me about 5 minutes each.... just shows simple is sometimes always best!

I will upload the other illustrations another day for you to see that I did for this. I also apologise for the rubbish photo I am in desperate need for a new camera. If anything it will give you an excuse to go and buy the magazine :)

New Illustration: Girl in a Hat

I have been a bit quiet on the front of illustrating, but here is my latest one!

Monday 12 April 2010

Sponsor my brother

Hello everyone, hope you are all enjoying this sunny weather. I need to ask massive a favour. My brother (see pic above) is taking part in a charity event on 2nd May 2010 to raise money for Cancer research. He will be windsurfing from dawn till dusk, non stop its called 'SunriseSunset!'  Yes its a long time, and luckily he is good at windsurfing so hopefully he won't struggle to much.

He is trying to raise £300, and anything that you can donate will be greatly appreciated!

My family has been hugely affect by cancer so its a charity that we hold dear to our hearts. My brother is dedicating his sponsorship to our Aunty Carol who passed away a few years from lung cancer and she is greatly missed. My brother, mum, and gran as well has been affected with cancer which is why we are very passionate about this charity, and why my brother is taking part.

So any donations would be happily received!! Even if its a £1!!  To donate click this link... http://www.justgiving.com/davewindsurfing4cancer 

Thank you :)

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Summer Nights

One of my newest illustrations. I have been lazy recently in regards to drawing due to distractions like 'Sex in the City' box set!! Oops!  Hopefully this will be a start of a new phase.

Lola the shoeperstar!

Look what just appeared in my inbox!! Laura, the winner of the shoeperstar competition which happened last year ( I came in the top 5), has her shoes out this week!! I think they turned out really well. I'm loving the purple ones with the floral trim!! Very summery!! They are out on the 12th April. Can't wait to see them in store.

Wedding Update

Even though mine and Alex's wedding is over 780 days away (yes I am counting!) I still can't help getting overly excited about it.

We are still trying to find 'the' venue, which we think we have found. Although me being me, wants to look at a few more to put my brain at ease. We both really want our wedding to reflect us as much as possible. Making it a memorable and fun wedding for everyone who will be attending. Our wedding will be fairly small-ish. Trying to keep the numbers around 60-ish people which will probably be a struggle and will have to cut a few people out, but that is all typical wedding politics.

We also have a few ideas up our sleeves which we are going to try and keep from people until the day, as we are going to try and do everything ourselves to cut down the costs. Even though we have a budget we want to try and get below that budget!!

I have found two photographers which I love, and one is coming up on top but of course this one is the most expensive, but she just takes stunning photographs, and a friend is using them for their wedding so am waiting to see what theirs turn out like!! Very exciting. I contacted the photographer and she told me I was very organised (been told this many a time) but showed her the venue we like the most and she thinks its beautiful so fingers crossed.

We think we have decided on our colour theme, although I keep changing my mind like the wind, but will let you know that soon once we have both stuck to it.

I think that is all, I am not mentioning the dress as I am trying not to look although there are two distinct styles that I love and they are complete opposite, but trying to hold off until next year's collections. Plus Alex knows what him and his group is going to wear which I think they are all going to look very handsome!

Saturday 3 April 2010

The List

Things I would like to do:

1. Get a decent job that actually pays a decent wage
2. Travel to Australia
3. Travel to China
4. Travel to South America
5. Buy an Irish Setter puppy
6. Get a house with Alex
7. Find more time to see friends
8. Try and do more illustrations
9. Tell my friends I have this blog
10. Get married
11. Buy some Christian Louboutins
12. Buy a Chanel 2.55 bag
13. Buy a Mulberry Bayswater bag
14. Go shopping whenever I can
15. Start playing the piano again
16. Go surfing more
17. Go snowboarding again, when my bank account lets me
18. Keep saving, but I also want to go shopping
19. Sewing, I have had a pattern next to me for a while
20. Save for a new Mac

Thursday 1 April 2010

Bridesmaid Crush

Image courtesy of Polka Dot Bride

I absolutely love this image, and came across this post on 100 layer cake as Unruly things being the guest blogger. If you have never been to any of these blogs then I would recommend going to look! Me and Al have been umming and arring over the colours, and think we are settled for yellow.... that is until I saw the picture above!! Mis-matched ivory dresses are BEAUTIFUL!! I have a major crush on the dress to the far right! Super Cute! I'm looking forward to going around with my maids and getting dresses to suit them all!!

I also love their bouquets! Lovely colours


I am so friggin excited!! Me, Alex and my best friend are off to Reading festival this year! I can not WAIT to see Blink 182 and Paramore again! I am also looking forward to seeing what other bands are going to be announced closer to the time!

It is my Mum's birthday this weekend, so we are celebrating!! My brother is coming down with my future sister in law! So will be a lovely easter weekend!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)