These are a few photos taken of the past week. I mentioned a while back to Alex that I wanted to get a decent digital SLR, and whilst we were home and talking to his parents Alex remembered a few years ago he had bought a fairly decent camera. Its not a proper SLR but it's pretty good, even if it does have 4 megapixels!!! Yes I did say 4! It is a good 6 years old you know ;) but it still takes a good picture!
Me and Alex have a bit of an obsession with Vans, however Alex has a fair few more pairs than me!
So these are a few shots taken from this week, whilst going for a few walks and having dinner in the park round the corner from our flat, which has THE most amazing Rose bed at the moment! You can smell all the flowers in the air, especially the honeysuckle!! I must look like a crazy lady smelling every single flower that I pass!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!! Fingers crossed for Sunshine!
Like the Vans shot ;)
ReplyDeleteHave you checked out my june giveaway?
It's the cutest playsuit so if you get a chance, do enter :)
Thanks Hayley, will check it out!