Friday, 25 January 2013

Friday Night

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Photos: Alex May
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Friday nights are my favourite! It means the start of the weekend. Woo hoo.

Last night, we went to go visit a work colleagues exhibition, and then went along to the Geelong Night Market. I love how the Aussie's really take advantage of the sunny evenings. There always seems to be something going on.

I love being in Australia, but the things I really miss at home (minus friends and family) has to be certain types of food. When I go home I am planning on having a carpet picnic, where I am surrounded by all the food that I have missed.

One of things that I love, is sweet popcorn, especially when you go to the cinema. The Australians have not cottoned on to Sweet popcorn, only salt (yuk!). If you ask for sweet popcorn, you will get looked at like you have two heads, as I found out. Alex spotted a popcorn stall at the Geelong Night Market, and they sold the most amazing popcorn. Slightly Salted & Slightly Sweet! Who knew this could taste SO amazing. We should of brought two bags... if only I knew! It is the little things!


  1. That popcorn looks tasty even in the bag.... Cute outfit!

    I came across your blog on Bloglovin and I am so glad I did. I love your sense of style.

    Kate from Clear the Way

  2. Pretty photos! I just adore that brick wall behind you -- I wonder what the illustrations are supposed to be of...


  3. you have a really great blog miss!

  4. This is lovely, love the outfit and your background! xx

  5. I just love finding awesome brick walls to take photos in front you! Such a fan of your blgo :) Glad we stumbled upon one another.

  6. I´m a new follower! Your blog is amazing, this is a great outfit! :)

  7. Hello from the blog hop! I totally love how you wore that belt. As for sweet popcorn - there's a market here in Florida with an old popcorn machine & it too always tastes so delicious. The perfect blend of salty and sweet!

  8. Yo from the Blog Hop! I love your jeans! xoxo

  9. Ok, I can never move to Australia, I could not survive without my sweet popcorn. Love these photos, the backdrop and the outfit are lovely. Just found you through the Totally Awesome Blog Hop, so glad I did! xo

  10. Hey Cathryn. I just found your blog through the blog hop.
    I love the mix of illustration, photography, fashion and travel. I can;t imagine living SO far away from friends and family! I moved 2 hours away from my "home" a couple years ago to work as a set and costume designer, and I know how conflicting it feels to be succeeding in your field, but having to "sacrifice" the people you love to do it. Not an easy gig!
    Anyhow, I'll certainly be following along!

  11. Well I just LOVE your outfit! It looks very chic bit totally comfortable at the same time :)

    Found you via the blog hop- so glad I popped by! What a great blog you have! *waves hello* from a new follower, Hazel x

  12. I love Friday nights too. My friends often call it "Flyday" because we go out every Friday evening, just do whatever we want, to enjoy the night after a long week of work.

    Found your blog through blog hop. :)

  13. Your blog is really lovely :-)
    I have a blog too, if you want to have a look at mine it would be nice :)
