Tuesday, 19 March 2013


© Cathryn Nicholson
Right, its time to be honest... Since coming back from the UK, I have lost all inspiration and drive. Hence why it has been quiet around here.

I don't want to say to much just yet, but there is going to be some big changes coming up in mine and my husbands lives and I am not entirely sure what is going to happen. Autumn is a season for change, and I really feel that we are going to be changing with this season.

I am normally very driven and inspired, and its come to the point where I am complete opposite. I have NEVER felt like this before so I am not sure how to cope with feeling like this. I am unsure on what we are doing is right or wrong. It is a big risk, but we have taken big risks before and dealt with it. I thought I would create a little motto print, to try and inspire myself.

What do you think?


  1. Hey Cathryn,
    First of, I love the design :)
    Changes are also opportunities, aren't they? I've faced big changes and thought I couldn't make it, but I made it through and appreciate that experience afterwards..
    I stumbled to your blog and I love it :), just became your newest follower.

    Hope you'll get your inspiration back soon :)

    1. Thank you Jessie for your kind words :) Your so right, they are also opportunities :)

      Thank you following to :)

  2. Hey Cathryn,
    Lovely design :) I always find it really helpful to surround yourself with little quotes and sayings that without knowing filter into your mind and that one day will reawaken your energy. I've been without inspiration myself before and sometimes for quiet long periods, not really knowing where to turn next. Its a horrile place to be and you feel really lost.

    However the spark of inspiration will come back to you, and usually when you least expect it. When you aren't thinking about anything in particular, it will burst into life and you will find yourself feeling a bit more like 'you' again. Sometimes you have to step back and let it reappear on its own. Take the pressure off yourself and trust life to take you on a new journey - it could be the best unplanned thing you ever do!

    Good luck and try not to let it stress you too much.

    Take care xx
