Saturday 8 May 2010

Note to self: You Can Draw!

I love illustrating, it is a massive passion of mine. It would be a dream come true to make it in to my career as well as keeping design involved.

Even though I love it, it can sometimes be tiring when you go through a blank. Trying hard to find some inspiration, and you have to remind yourself that inspiration is everywhere and it could be anything.  Especially when a knock back happens. You have to try and convince yourself that you can draw, and that you do have a talent.

Here is a very old illustration of mine that I did back at university. This reminds me of the good old days, sitting around a table with my close friends, drawing and feeling inspired, by being around inspiring people. Its funny how much my style has changed since this illustration. The ladies that I keep drawing at the moment, seem to be very pretty, feminine, light and simple. Quite antique looking. I pride myself on my different styles.

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